Commander Party #1: Aetherdrift

• [MTG] Commander • Open for registration

Play casual EDH pods with your friends or with other players at the store under the Aetherdrift EDH format.
You may use any EDH-legal deck. The new Aetherdrift precons are recommended but not required.

Schedule: Play at any time at the store during open hours of 2pm-10pm

Entry Free: P100 per player
Request for the Commander Party materials at the counter.

After each game in a pod, 1 winner by game victory and 1 additional winner by popular voting each receive the Promo card* or random Single card.

Playing repeat games with same podmates will not yield further prizes.

Find new players to play with for more chances to win!

1 Pod = 3-5 players

A winner may only receive the card prize once!

Log in or sign up to register for this event.